When Nate and I got married two days after Christmas two years ago, I was just thinking about whether or not we'd be able to get through a wedding and Christmas in only three days. I didn't really think about the fact that we'd also have to forever celebrate our anniversary just two days after Christmas. Oh well I guess, too late to think about it now. So, our anniversary was low key and I have a feeling they will always be a little low key. We got to go to dinner and see a movie and I honestly can't remember the last time we have done that. Maybe a year ago? So sad, but movies and such have kind of taken a back seat to life. We're happy now just to get in an episode of Parenthood together(my favorite show) or an episode of Seinfeld together( Nate's favorite show.) I guess that's life at the stage of life we're in. So just getting to talk leisurely with Nate at dinner and getting to see a movie without having to pause it for Oscar, was a really nice treat for us. (Thanks to my grandparents for dinner and for babysitting!)
Christmas was wonderful. We got to spend it in flooded and rainy San Diego, with my grandparents and with Sally's family. It was awesome and I can't believe I am family now to the Shields family I've known for 13 years. I will post pictures as soon as I can borrow some from Sally since I didn't take a single picture on my own sucky camera of my child's first Christmas. I did however, have these pictures taken by my sister in law photographer Emilia. So enjoy these for now...

A few things about Oscar... He looks JUST like Nate. I rarely see any of myself in him right now. I see Oscar's face and it makes me think of how adorable Nate must have been as a baby too. People in public love to stop and squeeze his cheeks and he smiles at them like they're the only person in the world to him. He's a charmer already.

This little guy melts our hearts every day. He LOVES to laugh and smile. He's trying to crawl now doing the rocking back and forth thing on all fours. He knows his house and his bedroom and crys when he sees his crib or bedroom cause he knows it means bedtime. It's impossible not to laugh when he crys seeing his crib.

He loves to snort and grab my hair or Nate's chest hair. He has accepted his car seat as part of life now but doesn't like his high chair. He loves ALL food and likes to go #2 in his bouncy chair, I think it's the bouncing that helps.

After about 6 1/2 months of life, Oscar finally sleeps through the night. It was after he started eating baby food that he started sleeping through the night. Our big boy just needed some solids in his belly the whole time.

His bedtime is about 7pm and he hates life his last hour of awakeness, except for his bath. But, he still hasn't put together that he is the one splashing water in his face. He gasps and scrunches his eyes and nose when he gets water in his face. He's close to sitting up on his own but still not there yet.

He loves to growl and do really aggressive energetic/spastic movements that remind me of my brother when he was little. I don't know if this is his personality developing or if they are just baby things, but he definitely is displaying his boyness. We're just loving everything about our boy right now.