It's pie season but I just can't muster up the energy to make a whole pie from scratch so I made up these mini cheesepies. At least I think I made them up, let me know if someone already came up with this idea. I don't like to spend all day making food so I opted for the Pillsbury box dough that you just add water to. It's ready to be rolled out in like 1 minute.
I also don't enjoy spending more money than necessary so I mixed fresh blackberries that were on sale for $0.88 and a can of blueberry pie filling with some cream cheese. That's why I called them cheesepies.
Line cupcake pan with dough, fill with mixture, top with more dough, then bake according to boxed pie crust directions. They were delicious, and one was more than plenty to satisfy my sweets craving. So sad I don't have a finished product picture cause they were so cute and tasty looking.
These I found all over the internet and I thought they were pretty cool. I had leftover candy corn and orange and black food dye from Halloween so this was an inexpensive treat for me. Just make your own sugar cookie and frosting recipe and pipe out frosting in orange and black for the legs and eyes. And the candy corn stays on because you spread some frosting underneath it on the cookie.
And since I was running with the non-Sunday delicioso theme, I had to post this. It's one of my favorite commercials. I know it's not hilarious but I laugh every time, I just can't help it.
I thought I wanted a cheesepie, but after your seeing your enitre post, I want an ENGRAPADORA! (to be read with a sexy latino accento)
I love this commercial. So much.
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