Monday, February 21, 2011

family dinner

My mother in law suggested I borrow this book "The Family Dinner" by Laurie David. I'm glad she did because it was probably one of the best parenting books I've read so far. I think if anyone has a family or is planning on having a family, this is probably a must read for parenting books. It's about how sacred the family dinner should be and how it has practically become an endangered tradition. It is about how the family dinner forms relationship bonds, teaches etiquette and manners, develops health habits, and basically determines much of the success of a family.

Laurie David outlines rules for the family dinner like no cell phones or screens of any kind, WATER ONLY, at least trying everything on your plate, and everyone helping with clean up. She has chapters on dinner conversation and dinner games for when your children become teenagers and only respond with "fine' when you ask them how their day went. She offers many unique and simple recipes and stresses how dinner doesn't have to be a roast and three sides, but it can be grilled cheese sandwiches and dessert can be orange slices.

She also has a chapter on eating less meat and how the amount of meat our society now consumes has greatly changed many aspects of our life. I really enjoyed this chapter as I've been trying to follow my faith's commandment to eat meat SPARINGLY.

The best part about this book though was when I saw this picture..

I realized halfway through the book that her husband (now ex-husband) and father of her children she told so many stories about, was none other than the HILARIOUS Larry David. That fact really just sealed the deal for me implementing this book's principle into my life. So check it out from your local library!


Brenda said...

I totally want to get this for my boys; however, I would feel SO hypocritical because I never cooked. I have admitted to my boys that is one of my greatest regrets, and I want them to make sure they sit down with their families at dinner time. Thank goodness for daughter in laws! I wonder if hot tubbing and watching ESPN together as a family counts? I'm proud of the mother you are Nichelle!

Marcus Lane said...

i might have to read it, just for larry david! we love him! :)

Nichelle said...

brenda, i think espn counts since you only had boys. also, will you please get a blog???

Jaimie D said...

Nichelle, this is awesome, i love it!! We always had family dinner growing up and it really is such an important aspect in family relationships. PS thanks for the sweet comments on my blog..i love reading them!! can't wait to see you, hopefully SOON!