...if I blogged more about Philadelphia the city, the anger I would express would scare people. So, I apologize for not updating more regarding our Philadelphia experiences.
...seriously about life stuff, like making big decisions. It seems like I have always made big decisions really easily and just jumped in head first into anything huge. But it's a little bit harder now having Nate by my side. I really have to heavily ponder on the consequences of all decisions. This makes me nervous!
...Why does school make you tap into just one direction of your potential? Why does the formal education system make you focus on the development of one subject? People like me can't handle this. I want to dive into everything a little bit. I want to develop everything a little until years later I realize that I have developed all those skills to a wonderful capacity!
...People are in your life at the right time as blessings.
...The gospel has been the best thing I chose to fully indulge in. I have this desire to indulge in things to an extreme extent, but the gospel has been the one thing that has allowed me an outlet to completely indulge in a love, while at the same time teaching me to remember that balance is the key to EVERYTHING. It sounds contradictory, but for me this has worked. I will always be a crazy person wanting to throw myself wholeheartedly or not at all into things. But God's love for me and my love for Him has taught me to first let me go extreme with/towards Him and then everything else somehow works out ok in my head.
....I love Nathan. He is the best partner in crime. We think so similarly and so differently at just the right times. When we're in a pickle, I love to see that we gang up against the problem instead of on each other. I admire how great he is at not losing touch with people and maintaining an excellent pipeline of his loved ones. I have no idea how he does it. He keeps me sane and keeps me wanting to do better at being a human being.
....When is Mariah Carey gonna go on tour? Why does she keep getting raunchier in her old age? All this Michael Jacskon stuff is making me really appreciate that she is still alive to be able to see in concert and that she would be the pop culture icon I would associate to my life story.
I can't wait to hear about your adventures in person. Both of you were truly missed during our Utah vacation.
I think I enjoy reading so much because it allows me a way to "dive in" to so many things. I also like how it allows me to look at life, people, places, times through the viewpoint lens of the writer helping my own viewpoint lens to widen.
I can't wait to be in the same room with you two again!
oh neesh i love you. weird that i still think of you and nate as neesh and meesh?
you always makes such good sense on this blog. keep it up gurl.
and hey how bout you guys starting thinking about moving to texas someday? it's where we will be chilling for the next year or so. need some amigos...and hey i'd buy you doritos anytime lady.
you're in philly? have you been there long? just found your blog. i live in boston. and my parents live an hour from you in bethlehem. let's meet up next time i head out there!!! how long will you be there?? email me: audreyelizan@mac.com
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