Monday, August 9, 2010

domingo delicioso

The newness of having little Oscar around has made me slump into a version of myself lacking in interests, likes, hobbies, etc. Don't panic, I love being Oscar's mom and I now know happiness I've never know before-he's our ultimate joy. But Oscar demands so much time from me so far that I've started a bad habit of being a lazy turd when he is not in need of my time and body. So to nip that habit right in the butt, I'm taking baby steps to get the not so dull version of myself back into gear. Baby step #1 is my new weekly blog post called "domingo delicioso" that will feature something delicioso I really enjoy and will serve as my reminder that I do more than just make milk for Oscar. It's not a new idea, many people do weekly blog posts on stuff they like. But, my intention is that domingo delicioso will be many topics of my interest-my likes, time consumers, and hobbies. Sadly though, or not sadly, I have a feeling domingo delicoso will mostly revolve around food and drinks. Domingo delicioso #1......

My favorite refresco right now:

Mr. Diet Canada Dry. I haven't been able to have caffeine for almost a year now and ginger ale has just the right bite that I've been missing from coke products.

Can't wait to discuss all things delicioso with you!


Susan said...

Don't worry - the demanding newborn months will be over soon. You'll start feeling less and less zombie-like the more Oscar grows. I promise :)

Love ginger ale, too. Can't wait to hear about all your delocioso finds!

Alison said...

I love this too! It's surprisingly hard to find though! I could always find it at the 7-11 in allentown, hahah but it's much harder to find here!

dana and justin said...

hmmm i drink caffeine all of the time. i did when i was pregnant too. does that make me a bad mom???

Lezlie said...

well this will obviously be my fav. in less than I week... I am off to Smith's.

Sally Jensen Interiors said...

I just know these posts are going to be good ones! Dave brought home Natural cheeto puffs...mmm...I did a blog post about those a while back. So delicioso!